RE : chdir equivalent?

Maxima have a function "system"
Searching for it in source code I found it in "macsys.lisp"

(defun $system (&rest args)
  #+gcl   (lisp:system (apply '$sconcat args))
  #+clisp (ext:run-shell-command (apply '$sconcat args))
  #+(or cmu scl) (ext:run-program "/bin/sh"
				  (list "-c" (apply '$sconcat args)) :output t)
  #+allegro (excl:run-shell-command (apply '$sconcat args) :wait t)
  #+sbcl  (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/sh"
			      (list "-c" (apply '$sconcat args)) :output t)
  #+openmcl (ccl::run-program "/bin/sh"
			      (list "-c" (apply '$sconcat args)) :output t)

Note: Windows understand both "\" and "/" and UNIX only "/" then maybe it is more appropriate
to use "/".


> -----Message d'origine-----
> De?: maxima-bounces at [mailto:maxima-bounces at] De la part de
> Daniel Lakeland
> Envoy??: lundi 1 octobre 2007 23:12
> ??: Maxima Mailing List
> Objet?: [Maxima] chdir equivalent?
> When I start maxima on windows (from within emacs) it doesn't like
> paths of the form \\servername\path\to\file so it starts with
> C:\windows as the working directory (as follows):
> '\\servername\my\path\here'
> CMD.EXE was started with the above path as the current directory.
> UNC paths are not supported.  Defaulting to Windows directory.
> Once it's started, how can I change this manually? I can't find a
> chdir or cd command in the manual.
> I believe that Lisp doesn't have a portable notion of a current
> directory, instead there is the concept of a pathname, so I'm not even
> sure what to do to change the working directory from lisp.
> In any case, the main issue is that I want to have the draw2d output
> go to a more reasonable current directory rather than c:\windows.
> --
> Daniel Lakeland
> dlakelan at
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