chdir equivalent?

On Tue, Oct 02, 2007 at 12:38:37AM +0200, Mario Rodriguez wrote:
> > In any case, the main issue is that I want to have the draw2d output
> > go to a more reasonable current directory rather than c:\windows.

> If I'm not wrong, this is a bug in the draw package. I don't have a 
> windows machine at hand and I can't reproduce this problem. In ubuntu, 
> both the maxout.gnuplot file and the graphics file are allocated in the 
> working directory.

Sorry if I misled you. Yes, the draw package puts the file correctly
in the working directory, however, on my windows machine, when maxima
starts up it sets the working directory to c:\windows because it
doesn't like the shared-server directory that it sees when it starts
(\\servername\path\to\dir, instead of something like f:\path\to\dir)

So I want to change the working directory from c:\windows to something
else. How should I do this?

Daniel Lakeland
dlakelan at