
> > I already did this translation by myself. To me it looks like a series 
> > pi = 3 + 1/8 + ... 
> > but I didn't find this in any of my books or articles.
> Neither did I find it, although I have looked into a book specially devoted
> to the computation of Pi.  Thus, I would also be interested in a reference
> to the algorithm. 
> Nicolas 

Nicolas ,

I found, that it is the Newton series from 1665
pi = 6*asin(1/2)

If perhaps the book, you mentioned, is "Algorithmen, Computer, Arithmetik" by Arndt and 
Haenel, you'll find this series on page 217 (16.55) 
- or somewhere else.

I should write a short comment in float.lisp

Volker van Nek