
van Nek wrote:
> Am 5 Nov 2007 um 12:18 hat Raymond Toy (RT/EUS) geschrieben:
>>> +;; The algorithm is based on the series
>> +;;
>> +;; %e = sum( 1/i! ,i,0,inf )
>> +;;
>> +;; but sums up 1001 terms to one.
>> Why only 1001 terms?  But a glance at the actual code seems to show that 
>> you keep summing until H is zero, so perhaps the comment is not quite 
>> right.  Or maybe I don't understand the comment at all.
> Ray,
> what I mean here is, that I sum up every 1001 summands to one summand. E.g. instead of 
> summing 27027 needed quotients from the Taylor series, I only use 27. Right, I sum until 
> the quotients are zero.

Oh, I see now.  I missed the DO loops inside the main do loop.  It also 
looks like the inner do loops are multiply a bignum by a fixnum.  I 
think it's beneficial to try to rearrange the operations so you do 
bignum times bignum arithmetic, so you can take advantage of fast bignum 
multipliers.  I guess that's for another day.
