Richard Fateman wrote:
> Could you tell us about your timing results? On what computer and which
> lisp?
FWIW, I measured it. It is quite fast.
(time (prog1 t (old-comppi 10000)))
; Evaluation took:
; 0.51f0 seconds of real time
; 0.28f0 seconds of user run time
; 0.21f0 seconds of system run time
; 547,351,818 CPU cycles
; 0 page faults and
; 15,918,408 bytes consed.
(time (let ((fpprec 10000)) (fppi1) t))
; Evaluation took:
; 0.11f0 seconds of real time
; 0.06f0 seconds of user run time
; 0.01f0 seconds of system run time
; 115,499,072 CPU cycles
; 0 page faults and
; 3,805,816 bytes consed.
I think I did that right. 10000 bits of pi takes .11 sec on this 1.5
GHz sparc. The old comppi takes .51 sec. I did it this way since the
new comppi doesn't include the cost of computing 640320^(3/2).