-----maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote: -----
>But what's the use of form x=somefun(x)?
When solveexplicit is true and Maxima can't find a solution, solve returns
(%i4) solveexplicit : true$
(%i6) solve(144 * sin(x) + 12*sqrt(3)*%pi + 36*x^2 + %pi^2 - 72 - 12*%
pi*x - 72*sqrt(3)*x,x);
(%o6) []
Also, when the solution set is empty (and Maxima knows that it's empty),
also returns [ ]:
(%i7) solve(0=1,x);
(%o7) []
The upshot: When solveexplicit is true, Maxima returns an
empty list when either the solution set is empty or when Maxima can't
solve the equation; when solveexplicit is false, the empty
list means that Maxima determined that the solution set is
empty, I think.