planning to tag 5.14 release branch circa Dec 2

On 11/23/07, Dan Gildea <gildea at> wrote:

> The maxima distribution already includes a couple .el files,
> without .elc versions.  Some rpms include the .elc files,
> and put them in the standard emacs directories, which maxima's
> install procedure does not.  Imaxima's install procedure compiles
> .el to .elc by running emacs.

So your recommendation to include or not include .elc files is ... ??

At this point I guess my preference is to package only the .el files.

> Imaxima requires the breqn package, so it won't work out of the box
> for most people even if they have latex and emacs installed.
> I think we can address this by having imaxima give an informative
> error message if breqn is missing.

OK. breqn is a little problematic due to the license, but I don't see
any better way to handle it.

> The file imaxima.lisp will need to be modified to replace
> mstringp with stringp for the upcoming release of maxima.
> For reasons like this, it seems like it would be a good idea
> to maintain imaxima as part of the maxima distribution.

Well, the imaxima project seems to be doing OK by itself
so I don't see a need to merge it with Maxima.
If the current maintainer requests it, I'd be willing to consider.
As for mstringp, I'll just throw in (defun mstringp (x) (stringp x))
for the benefit of imaxima and probably other programs.


Robert Dodier