improving solve

On Dec 17, 2007 7:08 AM, Andrej Vodopivec <andrej.vodopivec at>

> I propose that algsys uses poly_reduced_grobner on equations before
> looking for a solution

There are very simple cases where grobner is many orders of magnitude slower
than the current algsys, to the point of making it impractical:

   eqs: [a*y^2+x^2-1,y^2+a*x^2-1]$
   algsys(eqs,[x,y]) => result in 0.10 sec
   poly_reduced_grobner(eq,[x,y]) => no result after 20 minutes

So it would be a bad idea to call grobner on all inputs to algsys.  If we
can distinguish the cases where algsys fails, or improve grobner's
performance, then it might be OK.


PS Tested on 5.13.0 GCL Windows