maxima-bounces at wrote on 12/17/2007 09:49:05 AM:
> On Dec 17, 2007 7:08 AM, Andrej Vodopivec <andrej.vodopivec at>
> I propose that algsys uses poly_reduced_grobner on equations before
> looking for a solution
> There are very simple cases where grobner is many orders of
> magnitude slower than the current algsys, to the point of making it
> impractical:
> eqs: [a*y^2+x^2-1,y^2+a*x^2-1]$
> algsys(eqs,[x,y]) => result in 0.10 sec
> poly_reduced_grobner(eq,[x,y]) => no result after 20 minutes
But poly_reduced_grobner(eqs,[a,x,y]) is essentially instantaneous.
Is the slowness of poly_reduced_grobner(eqs,[x,y]) due to a bug?