Keyword arguments?

James Amundson wrote:
> On Tue, 08 Jan 2008 12:22:29 -0500
> raymond.toy at (Raymond Toy (RT/EUS)) wrote:
>> I was wondering about implementing a keyword argument scheme.
>> Something like
>> quad_qags(f,x,a,b, epsrel=1d-8, epsabs=1d-8, limit=500)
> I think that's a great idea. I've wanted that for a long time. It seems
> to me that

Hello, James!  Long time no see!

Just a note that, as I have it implemented today, this is only supported 
in Lisp.  (Maxima functions can parse out the keywords itself.)

Basically quad_qags(f,x,a,b,epsrel=1d-8) is wrapper which eventually does

(apply 'quad-qags-internal f x a b $epsrel 1d-8)

and quad-qags-internal is a Lisp function:

(defun quad-qags-internal (f x a b &key (($epsrel epsrel) 1d-8))
   <real implementation>)

So if call quad_qags(f,x,a,b,foobar=27), you get a Lisp error about an 
unknown keyword $foobar.  This could be changed so quad-qags-internal 
allows other keywords but ignores them.  This isn't so nice.  Or a check 
could be done (probably should be done) for valid keywords and a maxima 
error is thrown instead of a Lisp error.

Oh, and you, of course, get weird results if you actually have a 
variable called epsabs.  Then you have to do quad_qags(..., 'epsabs = 1d-8).

Of course, my proposal changes the interface to the quadpack routines. 
That's not usually a very nice thing to do to people.  I assume, 
however, that most people don't use the extra arguments today anyway, 
but I could be wrong.
