Keyword arguments?

Robert Dodier wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2008 10:22 AM, Raymond Toy (RT/EUS) <raymond.toy at> wrote:
>> Something like
>> quad_qags(f,x,a,b, epsrel=1d-8, epsabs=1d-8, limit=500)
> Looks good to me.
>> I know this would be different from what plot2d does, which basically
>> uses the syntax [a,b] instead of a = b.
> I've never liked the [a, b] notation.

I've checked in these changes to quadpack with corresponding changes for 
the documentation and tests.

I wasn't exactly sure how to handle unknown keywords, so unknown 
keywords or badly formed keyword args cause a maxima error.

This is an incompatible change for quadpack.  I hope this doesn't cause 
problems for people.  If it does please let us know and we'll see what 
we can do about it.  (Revert change, new names for the new interface, etc.)
