request for comments/improvements/style of first Maxima script

On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 02:54:50PM -0500, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> Thanks for sharing your source with us.
> Here's how I would do it:
>    P(x, n) := bernpoly(x, n+1)/(n+1)!$
>    phi[i,s,alpha] :=
>      if i=0 then product(x[i]^5,i,1,s)
>      else
>       phi[i-1,s,alpha]
>          +
>       sum(
>           sum( (-1)^ni * P(x[i],ai) * subst( x[i]=ni,
>    diff(phi[i-1,s,alpha], x[i], ai) ),
>                ni, 0, 1),
>           ai, 0, alpha-1)$
>    phi[2,2,2];  =>
>    x[1]^5*x[2]^5-5*(x[1]^2-x[1]+1/6)*x[2]^5/2-(x[1]-1/2)*x[2]^5
>    -(5*x[1]^5-25*(x[1]^2-x[1]+1/6)/2-5*(x[1]-1/2))*(x[2]^2-x[2]+1/6)/2
>                       -(x[1]^5-5*(x[1]^2-x[1]+1/6)/2-x[1]+1/2)*(x[2]-1/2)
>    Notice that phi does not have an (x) argument -- it is not needed, we
>    simply manipulate *expressions*.  Also, no loop is needed: recursion
>    with memoizing is enough.  Finally, I have added s and alpha as
>    subscripts to phi so that the same run can have different values of s
>    and alpha without running into the memoizing issue I mentioned
>    earlier.

Thanks.  While slightly adapting your version and playing around
with it, i noticed a difference in behavior between your version
and mine when for example the dimension s is larger than one.

The function that I create has a special property that I have
added at the end of the postscript which can be found online at

Now both your and my script that implement this can be found at

Notice that the integral for the function (x[1]*x[2])^2 in two
dimensions is 1/9.  For alpha large enough (i take it 5 in the
scripts, which should be ok) we then have that the newly
constructed function should also exactly be this value of 1/9.

Your script seems to show that result.  My script however does
not.  It gives a value of 1/25 instead of 1/9 and I cannot see
what I am doing wrong.

Does anybody see what I'm doing wrong in my script

compared to the apparently correct functioning script

based on Stavros' method?


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