TeXmacs and maxima-5.14.0

On 1/8/08, Andrey G. Grozin <A.G.Grozin at inp.nsk.su> wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Jan 2008, Robert Dodier wrote:
> > Is there a way to make TeXmacs detect any version of Maxima?
> > It seems troublesome to have to modify TeXmacs for each Maxima release.

> Yes there is, if we drop support of maxima versions <=5.9.2. Then the
> "modern" behaviour can be assumed, and no patches will be needed to run a
> new version of maxima (of course, unless there are some
> backward-incompatible changes in mactex.lisp, but this should be a rare
> case).

It seems, then, that dropping support for versions <= 5.9.2 would be
a good move at this point. I'm in favor of it.

By the way, what constitutes a backward-incompatible change in mactex.lisp?


Robert Dodier