changing maxima display to plaintext notation

Hi Justin,

> I have tried the tex function and wonder if there isn't something to  
> show it in latex 2.09 format.  I'm experiencing a strange dialectic  
> shock here reading tex.  For example,

this comes up quite often on this mailing list. Various people have
already tried to improve tex(). Perhaps one of them can comment on this.

Ideally we would have a general tex() function that can output various
formats. Right now we have to fork tex() every time somebody with
special needs shows up.

> , instead of \times or \cdot to show multiplication
> \over instead of \frac{numerator}{denominator} to show fractions.
> 3*y instead of 3y
> I I am reading the quickstart manual pdf file to learn more about  
> this.  It looks like it is showing it in that cute spacial style.  It  
> also looks like it was done in LaTeX.  Would someone happen to have a  
> code file I could look at?

I'm not sure which file you mean. Perhaps intromax.pdf by Rand?

If it is being distributed with Maxima, then all the sources need
to be publicly available. If you are only interested in individual
files then perhaps the best way is to download it from the cvs
webinterface at sourceforge. The link is:

The link for intromax.ltx is:
