Debian package for Maxima and wxmaxima?

On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Alexios Tamparopoulos
<alexis.maxima at> wrote:
> Hello
>  I have been trying to promote the use of Maxima in Greece over the last
>  3 months, but most of the people in Greece (also in Europe, as far as I
>  know) that run a Linux machine, are using Ubuntu. The package manager
>  provides Maxima 5.12 and wxmaxima 0.7.1, so it's a little bit outdated.
>  Finally I was able to compile Maxima 5.14 but I failed at wxmaxima
>  0.7.4. I just want to ask:
>  * Is there a possibility to see a debian package for Maxima and wxmaxima
>  from Maxima's homepage?
>  * Should we contact Ubuntu repositories instead for that issue?

I think it is better that binaries are provided from distribution
repositories so that they can be installed using their package
managers. The debian package is outdated, newer packages are available

but it would be better if the official packages were updated more regularly.

>  * Is there a problem, in general, in solving wxmaxima's dependencies to
>  install from source?

Do you have problems compiling the source or installing all
dependencies? wxMaxima requires development packages for libxml2 and
wxGtk. Both are available from Ubuntu repositories, installing from
repositories should take care of other dependancies.

