Debian package for Maxima and wxmaxima?


I have been trying to promote the use of Maxima in Greece over the last 
3 months, but most of the people in Greece (also in Europe, as far as I 
know) that run a Linux machine, are using Ubuntu. The package manager 
provides Maxima 5.12 and wxmaxima 0.7.1, so it's a little bit outdated. 
Finally I was able to compile Maxima 5.14 but I failed at wxmaxima 
0.7.4. I just want to ask:
* Is there a possibility to see a debian package for Maxima and wxmaxima 
from Maxima's homepage?
* Should we contact Ubuntu repositories instead for that issue?
* Is there a problem, in general, in solving wxmaxima's dependencies to 
install from source?


Alexios Tamparopoulos