cvs problem

S. Newhouse wrote:
> Hello,
>  I am having trouble accessing  the cvs directory .  Here is the output 
> using the -t option. I am entering <ret> at the password prompt.
> [sen at gumbie CVS]$ cvs -t 
> -d:pserver:anonymous at login
>  -> main loop with 
> CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous at
> Logging in to 
> :pserver:anonymous at
> CVS password:
>  -> Lock_Cleanup()
> I don't get any files.  It just quits with the "Lock_Clenup" message.
> What is going on?

I don't see this, but it is very, very slow today.  It takes many 
minutes (10+?) to do a cvs update on an existing tree.
