texput is broken?

On 4/5/08, Alexey Beshenov <al at beshenov.ru> wrote:

> What's with texput(...)? Documentation encourages to declare operator first
>  and then call texput(...), but
>  (%i1) nary ("foo")$
>  (%i2) texput ("foo", " \\sim ", nary);
>  Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
>  SYSTEM::%PUT: "foo" is not a symbol

This is an effect of the Maxima strings reimplementation
(Maxima strings were Lisp symbols, but now they are Lisp strings).

>  Maxima version: 5.14.0
>  Maxima build date: 22:7 3/19/2008
>  host type: i686-pc-linux-gnu
>  lisp-implementation-type: CLISP
>  lisp-implementation-version: 2.41 (2006-10-13) (built 3369729491) (memory
>  3414942489)

I think I fixed this bug a few days ago. Please update from
cvs and try it again.


Robert Dodier