[Maxima-commits] CVS: maxima/src simp.lisp,1.55,1.56

-----maxima-bounces at math.utexas.edu wrote: -----

>Andreas Eder wrote:
>> changed memq to member with :test '#eq to save function call overhead
and consing;

Running the test suite with the SBCL profiler shows that (for a longer
see my 3 April post 'modifying great'; see also Raymond's post also
on 3 April):

  seconds  |     consed     |    calls    |  sec/call  |  name
   36.387 |    447,354,856 |     134,280 |   0.000271 | NEW-FILE-SEARCH1
    0.000 |      1,621,632 |  33,784,015 |   0.000000 | MEMQ

Oh sure, every little improvement helps. But given this data, why do we
worry so much about memq? Is memq a big problem for other Lisp versions?

Assuming the profiling data is accurate and that I'm not
missinterperting it, maybe a re-write of new-file-search1 would make
SBCL Maxima as fast as GCL Maxima.
