KONOVALOV, Vadim (Vadim)** CTR ** wrote:
>>> attached is the correction for purely Lisp-based procedure
>> for SBCL.
>>> the point is - shell script "maxima" within "src"
>> directory expects to
>>> have "core" file, not executable, so " :executable t" is
>> not correct.
>> Instead why not change the script so that it expects an executable?
> I guess Makefile generates "maxima.core" binary compatible with
current shell script ./src/maxima, i.e. not an ELF but lisp memory
runable via "--core" parameter
>> That way SBCL need not be installed on the system which is going
>> to run Maxima, right?
> Yes, this is a nice feature.
> But having "core" files could also be useful for other purposes (for
debugging maxima under SLIME?)
> OTOH, if making executable, then it should be named other than
> Best regards,
> Vadim.
Dear Vadim,
I'm not entirely sure I understand you. As things stand, maxima assumes
that the lisp it was compiled with is around when it's run. For example,
if you're using sbcl, a maxima.core is generated in src/binary-sbcl and
then the maxima script runs something that's basically "sbcl --core
I'm not entirely sure whether sbcl can produce "stand-alone" executables
that don't need it to be installed, but atm this is not done.
Re debugging under slime, it does work: I presume you've got that
working, but if not, I wrote this (slightly naive) elisp function which
I find helpful when I've got more than one source tree. Clearly this
version only works with sbcl.
Hope this is useful to you,
P.S. Has anyone had a look at that lisp testsuite stuff? Is anyone
interested? :)
P.P.S Sorry, Vadim, you're going to get this twice. I'm incompetent and
can't use reply all.
(defun get-parent-maxima-dir (startdir)
for dir = (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name startdir))
then (file-name-as-directory
(expand-file-name (concat dir "..")))
(when (string= (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name dir))
"maxima") dir)
never (string= dir "/")))
(defun canon-concat-dir-and-rel (dir rel)
"Concatenate dir as a directory with rel, the relative file
name and then turn into an absolute filename."
(expand-file-name (concat dir rel)))
(defun maxima-slime-here (&optional dir)
(let ((mdir (get-parent-maxima-dir (if dir dir "."))))
(when mdir
(setenv "MAXIMA_PREFIX" mdir)
:name 'cur-maxima
:program "sbcl"
:program-args (list
mdir "./src/binary-sbcl/maxima.core"))
:init-function nil))))
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