> >>> attached is the correction for purely Lisp-based procedure
> >> for SBCL.
> >>> the point is - shell script "maxima" within "src"
> >> directory expects to
> >>> have "core" file, not executable, so " :executable t" is
> >> not correct.
> >>
> >> Instead why not change the script so that it expects an executable?
> I'm not entirely sure I understand you. As things stand,
sorry for my English,
> maxima assumes
> that the lisp it was compiled with is around when it's run.
> For example,
> if you're using sbcl, a maxima.core is generated in
> src/binary-sbcl and
> then the maxima script runs something that's basically "sbcl --core
> /path/to/maxima.core".
I actually proposed a correction to make "memory" file rather that ELF-executable (which is provided by attribute " :executable t")
at least "./src/maxima" shell script expects it to be LISP memory instead of ELF-executable.
> I'm not entirely sure whether sbcl can produce "stand-alone"
> executables
> that don't need it to be installed, but atm this is not done.
> Re debugging under slime, it does work: I presume you've got that
> working, but if not, I wrote this (slightly naive) elisp
> function which
> I find helpful when I've got more than one source tree. Clearly this
> version only works with sbcl.
> Hope this is useful to you,
yes, thank you very much for your advise and code about slime, very useful!
Best regards,