errors with checks: bessel.lisp

Andreas Eder wrote:
> Raymond Toy wrote:
>> What version of clisp are you using?  I'm using 2.44.1.
> I'm using 2.44:
> and indeed I see the same behaviour:
> (coerce 42 '(double-float * 100d0))
> (coerce 42 '(double-float 1d0))
> both fail, but (coerce 42 'double-float) works.
> I', not a language lawyer, but according to my reading of
> that is an error of clisp.

I agree.  I've checked in a workaround, and I've also filed a bug report 
on clisp for this.  I ran the testsuite with clisp, cmucl, and gcl, and 
the bessel issue is gone.
