Special delimited oscillators that maxima can't solve it.
Subject: Special delimited oscillators that maxima can't solve it.
From: J.C. Pizarro
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 03:41:17 +0200
On 2008/4/16, Richard Fateman <fateman at cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> I haven't followed all of this, but by a change of variables,
> integrate(cos(1/x),x,0,2/%pi)
> is integrate(cos(t)/t^2,t, %pi/2, inf);
> this latter can presumably be integrated numerically by filon type formula
> to any desired accuracy.
> See
> http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~fateman/papers/fun-filon.pdf
> for a start on this, and references, and maxima code..
You did a mistake, your change of variables t=1/x doesn't match symbolically
your integrals. I can't presume anything "mathematically" with human
suppositions because otherwise it can be incorrect simplification.
integrate(cos(1/x),x,0,2/%pi) is NOT integrate(cos(t)/t^2,t, %pi/2, inf);
The correct simplification by the substitution method
integrate(f(x),x) = integrate(f(g(t))*g'(t),t) with x = g(t) = 1/t ,
g'(t)=-1/(t^2) and f = "cos(1/" is the below
integrate(cos(1/x),x) = integrate(cos(1/(1/t))*-1/(t^2),t)
integrate(cos(1/x),x) = - integrate(cos(t)/(t^2),t)
So, you mistaked your matching by the sign symbol '-'.
integrate(cos(1/x),x,0,2/%pi) = - integrate(cos(t)/(t^2),t,%pi/2, inf)
My previous handwritten simplifications by parts's method of
integrate(sin(1/x),x) and integrate(cos(1/x),x) were
integrate(sin(1/x),x) = ( x - REC3(x,1,ln(x)) ) * sin(1/x) +
( ln(x) - RECsc(x,1,ln(x)) ) * cos(1/x) .
integrate(cos(1/x),x) = ( -ln(x) - RECcs(x,1,ln(x)) ) * sin(1/x) +
( x - REC3(x,1,ln(x)) ) * cos(1/x) .
where REC3, RECsc and RECcs are 3 itself-recursive functions of integration
that never terminate.
REC3(x,M,L) = ( - 1/M ) *
{ ((L+1/M)/(x^M) + (1/(M+1))*REC3(x,M+2,L+(1/M)+1/(M+1)) }.
RECsc(x,M,L) = ( 1/(M*(M+1)) ) *
{ ((L+(1/M)+1/(M+1))/(x^(M+1)) - RECsc(x,M+2,L+(1/M)+1/(M+1)) }.
RECcs(x,M,L) = ( 1/(M*(M+1)) ) *
{ - ((L+(1/M)+1/(M+1))/(x^(M+1)) - RECcs(x,M+2,L+(1/M)+1/(M+1)) }.
You can expand manually step-step these simplified integrals and you will see
them that they never terminate the computation.
By the moment, i don't know if these 3 recursive functions REC?? have exact
numeric solutions for sin(1/x) & cos(1/x) or not, have functional, polynomial
or serial representations or not, to become them into primitives functions.
Until now, it's very harder to solve and not recommend to follow them.
I'm near to solve it using the simplification by the substitution method
trying to integrate cos(x)/(x^2) dx later due to
integrate(cos(1/x),x,0,2/%pi) = - integrate(cos(t)/(t^2),t,%pi/2, inf)
Sincerely, J.C.Pizarro