Special delimited oscillators that maxima can't solve it.

On 2008/4/18, J.C. Pizarro <jcpiza at gmail.com>, i wrote:
> On 2008/4/16, Richard Fateman <fateman at cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>  >  I haven't followed all of this, but by a change of variables,
>  >  integrate(cos(1/x),x,0,2/%pi)
>  >  is integrate(cos(t)/t^2,t, %pi/2, inf);
> ...
> You did a mistake, your change of variables t=1/x doesn't match symbolically
>   your integrals. I can't presume anything "mathematically" with human
>   suppositions because otherwise it can be incorrect simplification.
>   integrate(cos(1/x),x,0,2/%pi) is NOT integrate(cos(t)/t^2,t, %pi/2, inf);
> ...
>   So, you mistaked your matching by the sign symbol '-'.
>    integrate(cos(1/x),x,0,2/%pi) = - integrate(cos(t)/(t^2),t,%pi/2, inf)

I'm sorry, i mistaked in the up and down limits of the definite integral

   integrate(cos(1/x),x,0,2/%pi) = - integrate(cos(t)/(t^2),t,inf,%pi/2)

   It's true that   integrate(f(x),x,a,b) = - integrate(f(x),x,b,a)   , so that

   integrate(cos(1/x),x,0,2/%pi) = integrate(cos(t)/(t^2),t,%pi/2,inf)

   as said above Richard Fateman. I'm sorry much, thanks Richard Fateman.

>  I'm near to solve it using the simplification by the substitution method
>   trying to integrate cos(x)/(x^2) dx later due to
>    integrate(cos(1/x),x,0,2/%pi) = - integrate(cos(t)/(t^2),t,%pi/2, inf)

I'm near to solve it using the simplification by the substitution method
 trying to integrate cos(x)/(x^2) dx later due to

  integrate(cos(1/x),x,0,2/%pi) = integrate(cos(t)/(t^2),t,%pi/2, inf)

   Sincerely, J.C.Pizarro