Multiple maxima instances and maxout.gnuplot_pipes
Subject: Multiple maxima instances and maxout.gnuplot_pipes
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 08:39:10 -0600
On 4/22/08, Dan Hatton <vi5u0-maxima at> wrote:
> I currently have four instances of Maxima running on different
> computers, on all of which I have the same home directory via NFS.
> The four are all running batch scripts that involve plot2d commands.
> Am I likely to encounter any problems due to them clashing over trying
> to write to the same maxout.gnuplot_pipes file, or is there some
> automated handling for this situation?
Maxima doesn't try to avoid file name collisions, though doubtless it should.
A workaround is to assign maxima_tempdir a different value in each instance.
Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier