Multiple maxima instances and maxout.gnuplot_pipes
Subject: Multiple maxima instances and maxout.gnuplot_pipes
From: Raymond Toy (RT/EUS)
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:25:32 -0400
Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 4/22/08, Dan Hatton <vi5u0-maxima at> wrote:
>> I currently have four instances of Maxima running on different
>> computers, on all of which I have the same home directory via NFS.
>> The four are all running batch scripts that involve plot2d commands.
>> Am I likely to encounter any problems due to them clashing over trying
>> to write to the same maxout.gnuplot_pipes file, or is there some
>> automated handling for this situation?
> Maxima doesn't try to avoid file name collisions, though doubtless it should.
I'm not really familiar with how gnuplot_pipes work, but it seems maxima
has a pipe open to gnuplot over which we can send commands. Maybe it
would be possible to send the data over the pipe as well instead of
writing the data to maxout.gnuplot_pipes. Gnuplot supports this via the
"plot '-'" command.
Then the processes are completely independent, and we don't have to cook
up random file names.