open-source lisps for Maxima?

Robert Dodier wrote:
> On 4/27/08, Oliver Kullmann <O.Kullmann at> wrote:
>>  Are there other open-source lisps out there
>>  which can be recommended?
> If you are working with Linux, my advice is to try to find a precompiled
> binary package for your distribution. I have had success with SBCL,
> CMUCL, Clisp, and GCL. My advice is to try GCL last; we have worked
> around various idiosyncrasies, and I'm not sure if we have identified
> all of them.

But to put things in perspective, GCL was historically THE lisp to use 
with maxima, since William Schelter worked on both.  Only after his 
passing has GCL and maxima gone there separate ways.
