On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 7:27 AM, Rupert Swarbrick <rswarbrick at googlemail.com>
> You get some function, f(w) and want to know the power of the leading
> term in the taylor series of f about 0.
> ...hipow( rat( first( taylor( f, w, 0, 0 ) ) ) )
> (well actually it's in lisp, but it's basically this)
> But if the power is negative then hipow returns 0.
I don't have this problem (Maxima 5.14 GCL).
taylor(atan(x)/x^3,x,0,4) => 1/x^2-1/3+x^2/5-x^4/7
ff: first(%) => 1/x^2
hipow(rat(ff),x) => -2
hipow(ff,x) => -2
Could you please show us your exact code so we can reproduce and debug the
problem? I wonder if it has something to do with rat variable ordering?
(Why do you have rat in there?)