Maxima versions for Ubuntu

Thank you for your response, and thank you for your "liberty" of forwarding 
to the Maxima mailing list.  I already have one response which I shall 
shortly analyse.

I mailed you from sourceforge and there was no option to include additional 
information.  I was hoping for a response from an e-mail address to which I 
could send further info and so that I could copy the correspondance to my 
fellow students Daan and Jan.

In brief, we are studying computer science at the Dutch Open University.  As 
part of the studies groups of 2 to 4 students have to complete a suitable 
realistic project.  Because the Open University uses Maxima which is good 
but they want it better we picket up the task of proposing improvements. 
Pragmatically the principal success factor is, of course, that we get 
sufficient points towards completing our studies.  However, it would be 
fulfilling if the result could be something that could contribute to and 
find the way into future releases of Maxima and its interfaces.

If we had to start over we would probably have delved deeper into what is 
already going on in the Maxima community.  As it is, we have completed our 
functional analysis.  Because I am the technologically weakest in the group 
I got to formulate the functional document and because
Dutch is not my mother tongue I drafted it in English.  The final version, 
in Dutch, does not differ significantly from the attachment.

One of our functional requirements is to be able to enter the input in 
mathematical notation, making use of universally recognised symbols and 
two-dimensional presentations rather than simple linear inputs in ascii 
characters.  We struck gold in discovering the TeXmacs-Maxima interface and 
the related tutorial authored by Andrey Grozin.  We are in contact with him 
and he has already provided useful information.

During the past week we have found and received an overwhelming amount of 
input which we are now analysing.  We shall be happy, if we may, to come 
back shortly on the issue.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Dodier" <robert_dodier at>
To: <maxima at>; <christian.jorgensen at>
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2008 5:53 AM
Subject: Fwd: Maxima versions for Ubuntu


I have taken the liberty of forwarding your message
to the Maxima mailing list. I don't use Ubuntu but I
think there are other people on the list who do.

Maybe you can tell us a little bit about your user
interface project. If you have not already done so,
perhaps you can take a look at
and get some ideas from that.


Robert Dodier

--- Christian Jorgensen <christianjorgen at> wrote:

> To: robert_dodier at
> From: "Christian Jorgensen" <christianjorgen at>
> CC: christianjorgen at
> Subject: Maxima versions for Ubuntu
> Date: Fri, 02 May 2008 11:47:27 -0700
> Message body follows:
> I am a student at the Dutch Open University and must as a
> project (with two fellow students) propose improved user
> interface for Maxima.  Mr. Jos Simons has recently authored
> a Maxima course for the Dutch Open University and has, he
> sais, got goed advice from you.  He recommends that we
> contact you.  I am presently working with the TeXmacs-
> Maxima interface written by Mr. A. Grozyn. That requires
> Linux and that I use Ubuntu (because they gave good support
> to installing it.)  When downloading Maxima Ubunto by
> default gives version 5.9.2.  I have in vain looked for a
> version 5.14 or 5.15 suitable to run under Ubuntu. The
> Linux versions at Sourceforge cannot.  Grateful for any
> advice you could offer.  My e-mail is
> christian.jorgensen at  Thanks in advance for any
> support you can offer.


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