Fwd: Maxima versions for Ubuntu

On 5/4/08, Andrey G. Grozin <A.G.Grozin at inp.nsk.su> wrote:
> On Sun, 4 May 2008, Robert Dodier wrote:
> > If you look at texmacs-maxima-whatever.lisp, and cut out the
> >
> > (defprop mtimes "\\*" texsym)
> >
> > does that make the problem go away?

>  This line is necessary to distinguish the product x*y from the variable xy.

Not from what I can tell. Maxima's tex function (not working through TeXmacs)
outputs different TeX commands for xy and x*y --- xy is displayed as {\it xy}
and x*y as x\,y in the default (italic) font --- the spacing for these
is different.
(At one time they were the same, I think, but that was changed a year or
two ago.) The TeXmacs TeX output (for at least) also outputs different
commands for xy and x*y --- xy is displayed as \mathrm{xy} and single-letter
variables are displayed in the default math font. So there isn't any need for
(defprop mtimes "\\*" texsym) from what I can tell.


Robert Dodier