Bessel_I problem

What I have done is redefine bessel_i(n,x) in terms of it power series to evaluate for -1/6 but I do not want to have to evaluate it that way.

Also, the Shrodinger's eq for the x^4 potential can be solved in Mathematica for the special case where Energy = 0.  Maxima can't do that it seems, but I was trying to find a way to work around that and do it in Maxima.


 ------------Original Message------------
From: "Richard Hennessy"<rvh2007 at>
To: "Maxima List" <maxima at>
Date: Sun, May-4-2008 6:34 PM
Subject: Bessel_I problem

Maxima cannot evaluate bessel_i(-1/6,1).  It seems like it does not evaluate for any negative first argument.  Is there a work around for this?


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