complex function works only after defining it twice

First of all i want to say hello, as i am new to this mailing list,
and new to maxima.

I have defined a (programming) function, which take a mathematical
function as an argument, and should give me a new (mathematical)

/* the error is defined as

                     | df |             | df |
error(f(x,y, ...)) = | -- | * delta_x + | -- | * delta_y + ...
                     | dx |             | dy |

and is a function of all arguments to f() plus all deltas of its arguments:
df(x, y, ...., dx, dy, ...) */
error(fun, ret) := 
  reservoir: [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10]
  /* find out what arguments fun() takes via dependencies */
  (for i:1 step 1 while i<=N
    do	if (part(dep[i], 0) = fun) then
    (for j:1 thru length(dep[i])
      do (vars: cons(part(dep[i], j), vars)))),
  vars: reverse(vars),
  /* define delta-parameter list */
  (for i:1 thru num_vars
    do dvars: cons(reservoir[i], dvars)),
  dvars: reverse(dvars),
  /* argument list for the error function contains
     all of the arguments of the original function
     plus all the deltas of those arguments */
  all_vars: append(vars, dvars),
  ret_f: funmake(ret, all_vars),
  temp_f: funmake(tempfunc, all_vars),
  fun_f: funmake(fun, vars),
  pt_f: funmake(pt, vars),

  /* initialize ret(...) */
  define(''ret_f, 0),
  /* main stuff, construct error function */
  (for i:1 thru num_vars
    do (
      define(''pt_f, ''diff(''fun_f, vars[i])),
      define(''temp_f, ''ret_f), /* save current return function */
      define(''ret_f, abs( ''pt_f)*dvars[i] + ''temp_f))), /* add the new partdiff */

I hope, with the comments, you understand what i am trying to do.
It is (at least for me :) ) not a simple task, as it should work with
any function (of any argument count, with my "reservoir" it is limited
to 10 args...).

The behaviour of the code above is as follows (i have it in a file,

(%i1) batchload("partdiff.max");
(%o1)            /home/pixelbrei/projects/maxima/partdiff.max
/* first definition of the function */

(%i2) v(x):=x^2;
(%o2)                             v(x) := x
(%i3) depends(v, x);
(%o3)                               [v(x)]
/* define a trivial example function, and inform maxima of the
dependencies */

(%i4) error(v, dv);

Improper function definition:
#0: error(fun=v,ret=dv)
 -- an error.  To debug this try debugmode(true);
/* this is the error message it throws. */

(%i5) batchload("partdiff.max");
(%o5)            /home/pixelbrei/projects/maxima/partdiff.max
/* i define the function a second time */

(%i6) error(v, dv);
(%o6)                             2 d1 abs(x)
/* now it works */

The second definition of the function only works, if i try to execute
my "error" function between the two batchloads.
As you see, i pass the name for the function i want to build as a
second argument.

So, can anyone explain why this code behaves like it does?
And/or point me to some changes i can do to make it work the first

Thanks in advance,