complex function works only after defining it twice
Subject: complex function works only after defining it twice
From: Barton Willis
Date: Thu, 15 May 2008 15:43:19 -0500
Try something like this:
(%i3) error(f) := block([listconstvars : false, var, acc : 0],
var : listofvars(f),
for x in var do
acc : acc + diff(f,x) * concat('delta_,x),
(%i4) error(x^2 - y^2 + %pi);
(%o4) 2*delta_x*x-2*delta_y*y
I didn't try to find the bug in your code --- I'm off to an appointment.
This code doesn't work for things like depends(v,x), error(v). Another
thing: "error" is a Maxima function -- overwriting it with your definition
can cause trouble.
welcome to Maxima.
-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----
>To: maxima at
>From: Christoph Sarnowski <pixelbrei at>
>Sent by: maxima-bounces at
>Date: 05/15/2008 03:12PM
>Subject: complex function works only after defining it twice
>First of all i want to say hello, as i am new to this mailing list,
>and new to maxima.
>I have defined a (programming) function, which take a mathematical
>function as an argument, and should give me a new (mathematical)
>/* the error is defined as
> | df | | df |
>error(f(x,y, ...)) = | -- | * delta_x + | -- | * delta_y + ...
> | dx | | dy |
>and is a function of all arguments to f() plus all deltas of its
>df(x, y, ...., dx, dy, ...) */
>error(fun, ret) :=
> [
> dep:dependencies,
> N:length(dependencies),
> vars:[],
> all_vars:[],
> dvars:[],
> num_vars,
> reservoir: [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10]
> ],
> /* find out what arguments fun() takes via dependencies */
> (for i:1 step 1 while i<=N
> do if (part(dep[i], 0) = fun) then
> (for j:1 thru length(dep[i])
> do (vars: cons(part(dep[i], j), vars)))),
> vars: reverse(vars),
> num_vars:length(vars),
> /* define delta-parameter list */
> (for i:1 thru num_vars
> do dvars: cons(reservoir[i], dvars)),
> dvars: reverse(dvars),
> /* argument list for the error function contains
> all of the arguments of the original function
> plus all the deltas of those arguments */
> all_vars: append(vars, dvars),
> ret_f: funmake(ret, all_vars),
> temp_f: funmake(tempfunc, all_vars),
> fun_f: funmake(fun, vars),
> pt_f: funmake(pt, vars),
> /* initialize ret(...) */
> define(''ret_f, 0),
> /* main stuff, construct error function */
> (for i:1 thru num_vars
> do (
> define(''pt_f, ''diff(''fun_f, vars[i])),
> define(''temp_f, ''ret_f), /* save current return function */
> define(''ret_f, abs( ''pt_f)*dvars[i] + ''temp_f))), /* add the new
>partdiff */
> ''ret_f);
>I hope, with the comments, you understand what i am trying to do.
>It is (at least for me :) ) not a simple task, as it should work with
>any function (of any argument count, with my "reservoir" it is limited
>to 10 args...).
>The behaviour of the code above is as follows (i have it in a file,
>(%i1) batchload("partdiff.max");
>(%o1) /home/pixelbrei/projects/maxima/partdiff.max
>/* first definition of the function */
>(%i2) v(x):=x^2;
> 2
>(%o2) v(x) := x
>(%i3) depends(v, x);
>(%o3) [v(x)]
>/* define a trivial example function, and inform maxima of the
>dependencies */
>(%i4) error(v, dv);
>Improper function definition:
>#0: error(fun=v,ret=dv)
> -- an error. To debug this try debugmode(true);
>/* this is the error message it throws. */
>(%i5) batchload("partdiff.max");
>(%o5) /home/pixelbrei/projects/maxima/partdiff.max
>/* i define the function a second time */
>(%i6) error(v, dv);
>(%o6) 2 d1 abs(x)
>/* now it works */
>The second definition of the function only works, if i try to execute
>my "error" function between the two batchloads.
>As you see, i pass the name for the function i want to build as a
>second argument.
>So, can anyone explain why this code behaves like it does?
>And/or point me to some changes i can do to make it work the first
>Thanks in advance,
> Christoph
>Maxima mailing list
>Maxima at