Maxima Book

I can get the Maxima manual printed in 8.5x11 format very quickly as 
long as

1. I have permission to do it and
2. Someone with much better graphics skills than me can put together a
    front  cover and back cover and send them to me in PDF format.

For the front cover in additional to the title
Maxima, a Computer Algebra System <>;
I would suggest  using the Maxima logo from

and Maxima dialog (maybe slightly faded to put it in the background) from

If the plot and dialog don't fit on the front cover, the plot could be put
in the back cover. The back could be based on thetext at . URLs for the project, downloads and 
mailing list
could be at the bottom of the back cover.

Maxima is a system for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical 
expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series, 
Laplace transforms, ordinary differential equations, systems of linear 
equations, polynomials, and sets, lists, vectors, matrices, and tensors. 
Maxima yields high precision numeric results by using exact fractions, 
arbitrary precision integers, and arbitrarily precision floating point 
numbers. Maxima can plot functions and data in two and three dimensions.

The Maxima source code can be compiled on many systems, including 
Windows, Linux, and MacOS X. The source code for all systems and 
precompiled binaries for Windows and Linux are available at the 
SourceForge file manager 

Maxima is a descendant of Macsyma, the legendary computer algebra system 
developed in the late 1960s at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
<>;. It is the only system based on that effort still 
publicly available and with an active user community, thanks to its open 
source nature. Macsyma was revolutionary in its day, and many later 
systems, such as Maple and Mathematica, were inspired by it.

The Maxima branch of Macsyma was maintained by William Schelter 
from 1982 until he passed away in 2001. In 1998 he obtained permission 
to release the source code under the GNU General Public License (GPL) 
<>;. It was his 
efforts and skill which have made the survival of Maxima possible, and 
we are very grateful to him for volunteering his time and expert 
knowledge to keep the original DOE Macsyma code alive and well. Since 
his passing a group of users and developers has formed to bring Maxima 
to a wider audience.

We are constantly updating Maxima, to fix bugs and improve the code and 
the documentation. We welcome suggestions and contributions from the 
community of Maxima users. Most discussion is conducted on the Maxima 
mailing list <>;.

Xmaxima running on Windows

Maxima running in GNU Emacs with Imaxima mode

Maxima running in GNU Emacs with Imaxima mode

dfeustel at wrote:

>OK. To get back to Maxima, I REALLY would like to get a printed version
>of the Maxima manual in book format. The reason is that I have visual
>problems (stemming from diabetes) which make extended reading much easier
>for me when I am reading books instead of computer screens.
>Brian Gough has informed me that he has no plans to print and sell the
>Maxima manual. Is there any way to get the 5-15 manual published in
>book format? I think the existence of such a book would significantly
>enhance the appeal of Maxima. It would definitely speed up my
>acquisition of knowledge about Maxima.

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