On Thu, 2008-05-29 at 17:13 -0500, Thomas Widlar wrote:
> I can get the Maxima manual printed in 8.5x11 format very quickly as
> long as
> 1. I have permission to do it
I can go ahead and add the GPL copyright and copying statement. In the
copyright line, I suggest we write something such as:
Copyright (c) 2008, The Maxima Project.
It might be a good idea to add an appendix at the end, listing the names
of the members of the project and acknowledging other contributors, for
instance, authors of documentation for additional packages.
> 2. Someone with much better graphics skills than me can put together a
> front cover and back cover and send them to me in PDF format
I can work on that over the weekend. To check wheather you can open the
PDF's I create, and that the quality is acceptable, please look at this
sample: http://fisica.fe.up.pt/maxima/book/cover.pdf
> For the front cover in additional to the title
> Maxima, a Computer Algebra System
> I would suggest...
I agree with all your suggestions. I'll give it a try and show some
results in this list.
I have some questions:
- What kind of binding would the book have?l
- What would be its selling price?
- I which site would it be available for purchase?
- Can we look at other examples produce by the same publisher?
As a reference, if we used cafepress.com, the cover price would be
$33.28 (for 876 pages) and it would be available from their site and
some bookstores. Their publishing procedure is very simple; I could go
ahead and have it published just by uploading the PDF's for the text and
covers, plus some information on the book. However, I'm first going to
order one of their titles, to check how efficient they are and to see
the quality of their books.
Should we get an ISBN number for the manual?
Jaime Villate