On Friday 30 May 2008 17:12, weaker at directbox.com wrote:
> I have a matrix with very long trigonometric expressions. Now when I want
> to get the jacobian of that matrix there is an error message that the
> expression is too long to be shown. This is surely true. But is Maxima able
> to show the matrix entries each one separately? I don't need Maxima to
> write that as a matrix on the screen. I just want to get the output
> somehow.
Try setting "display2d : false" and something like
print_matrix(M) := (
for i : 1 thru length(M) do
for j : 1 thru length(M[i]) do
print ("[",i,"]","[",j,"] :", M[i,j])
Exporting to TeX and rendering the TeX expression may be useful too.
Alexey Beshenov <al at beshenov.ru>
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