The Maxima sum simplifier does not seem to know this series.
Maxima can however derive this series, as say,
taylor e^n with respect to n about 0,
then set n to 1
=> 1+n+n^2/2+n^3/6+n^4/24+n^5/120+n^6/720+...
In floating point representation Maxima can evaluate this series
to a residual of
=> 2.775557561562891b-16
Increasing the sum upper limit beyond 17 does not further decrease the residual,
this is not surprising since few functions increase faster that factorial.
Thank you for your interest in Maxima
At 06:47 AM 5/29/2008, c.d.wang wrote:
>Hello! May I ask you a question? ???The command : sum(1/n!,n,0,inf),simpsum; will give a expression that not simplify to the result : e . why?My maxima is 5.13.0. C.D.Wang _______________________________________________ Maxima mailing list Maxima at math.utexas.edu http://www.math.utexas.edu/mailman/listinfo/maxima