Some maxima problems

(%i1) load("simplify_sum")$
(%i2) simplify_sum(sum(1/n!,n,0,inf));
(%o2)                                %e

On Saturday 31 May 2008 02:45, Edward A. Romana wrote:
> The Maxima sum simplifier does not seem to know this series.
> Maxima can however derive this series, as say,
> taylor e^n with respect to n about 0,
> then set n to 1
> eq:taylor(%e^n,n,0,6);
> => 1+n+n^2/2+n^3/6+n^4/24+n^5/120+n^6/720+...
> In floating point representation Maxima can evaluate this series
> to a residual of
> ev(sum(1/n!,n,0,17)-bfloat(%e),numer);
> => 2.775557561562891b-16
> Increasing the sum upper limit beyond 17 does not further decrease the
> residual, this is not surprising since few functions increase faster that
> factorial.

Alexey Beshenov <al at>
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