This email is about the fact that Sage (and Maxima and sympy)
all give the wrong answer for a certain limit, at least if one follows
the standard definition given at wikipedia of limit. The limit in question
lim_{x --> 0 from below} floor(x)
This problem was reported two weeks ago by John Perry (my old
office might from Northern Arizona Univeristy 14 years ago, by
the way...)
See below for full details.
> That looks to me like a bug caused by an underlying bug in maxima.
> maxima: limit(floor(x),x,0,`minus')
> does not finish,
> while
> maxima: limit(floor(x),x,0)
> 0
> John Cremona
In maxima it would be limit(floor(x),x,0,minus) -- i.e., no quotes, and
that does finish. However the output directly from maxima
is still 0. I've cc'd this email to maxima-devel and Robert
Dodier, in case they have a comment. I've also sent it to
the sympy list since sympy also gives the wrong answer
(see below).
teragon-2:doc was$ sage -maxima
Maxima 5.13.0 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
Using Lisp CLISP 2.46 (2008-07-02)
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
This is a development version of Maxima. The function bug_report()
provides bug reporting information.
(%i1) limit(floor(x),x,0,minus);
(%o1) 0
(%i4) limit(ceiling(x),x,0,plus);
(%o4) 0
If you read the formal definition of limit, e.g., as given at
you'll see the output of Maxima (and sage) is just plain wrong.
Here's sympy (also wrong):
sage: import sympy
sage: x = sympy.var('x')
sage: f = sympy.floor(x)
sage: f.limit(x, 0, '<')
sage: f.limit(x, 0, '>')
Maple does exactly the right thing of course, and uses
better names -- left and right -- (imho) than Sage's
"minus" and "plus":
sage: maple('limit(floor(x),x=0,left)')
sage: maple('limit(floor(x),x=0,right)')
sage: maple('limit(floor(x),x=0)')