>> On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 12:28 PM, dlakelan <dlakelan at street-artists.org>
>> wrote:
>>> I may try doing a MCMC sampling method for getting a bayesian
>>> posterior sample from the coefficients. Has anyone done anything
>>> like that in maxima before?
I seem to have missed the start of this conversation, so this may not
be quite what you're looking for (in particular, it wasn't done in
Maxima!), but...
The archive
contains (among other things) a GPL'd Perl script, PER_CoCu/main,
which has subroutines for using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm,
with leapfrog proposal density, to obtain posterior expectations and
standard deviations of model parameters, and a marginal likelihood for
comparing the model with other models. I'm afraid it's a bit untidy
and not very user-friendly, but you might be able to do something with
Some explanation of what I was up to in this script, and references to
the literature, can be found in the section of my thesis at
Literature citations in shorthand in comments of the script are also
expanded in the bibliography of that thesis.
Dan Hatton