imaxima will allow deleting previous output. I don't know
if its other features will work for you, or if there is something
else causing the problem.
If you set display2d:true or display2d:false, then imaxima
will not insert images of tex output in the buffer.
> themselves? My immediate problem is that I want to clean up the maxima
> inferior process buffer (delete long output from ??) but the buffer is
> read-only and C-x C-q doesn't change it to read-write for some reason.
On Thursday 14 August 2008 07:49:50 am tyler wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any documentation for maxima.el aside from the sources
> themselves? My immediate problem is that I want to clean up the maxima
> inferior process buffer (delete long output from ??) but the buffer is
> read-only and C-x C-q doesn't change it to read-write for some reason.
> Thanks,
> Tyler