On August 27, Mahery Raharinjatovo wrote:
> Hello, Edwin Woollet
> Thanks for the help that you gave me
> I tried it but the problem is that I don't find where downloading the
> qdraw
> package.
> I don't find "Maxima by Example webpage".
Try going to http://maxima.sourceforge.net/documentation.html,
tutorials in English, and click on the first link: Maxima by Example.
qdraw.mac is a 91 kb text file and is item 2 in the ch. 5 set.
If the clicked the link at the end of my message, you
should normally get to my webpage.
Place qdraw.mac where Maxima will find it. If you have
not modified the file_search paths used by Maxima (as
described in ch. 1) just place it in the Maxima draw folder,
which on my windows xp box is found at : c:, Program Files,
Maxima-5.16.1, share, maxima, 5.16.1, share, draw.
Since you are having trouble accessing my webpage,
I am attaching the file qdraw.mac to this email.
Best Wishes,
Ted Woollett
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