I have made a function.
Code is in atached file, description is :
This functions seems to be good :
(%i8) for i:1 thru 15 do disp(i,",",GiveLengthDifference(i),",");
It works, but :
(%i21) plot2d(GiveLengthDifference(x),[x,1,10]);
If 4 arguments are given to MAKELIST, the difference of the 3rd and 4th
arguments should evaluate to a non-negative integer:
#0: GiveLengthDifference(period=x)(eAngle20081130.mac line 103)
-- an error. To debug this try debugmode(true);
(%i22) plot2d(GiveLengthDifference(fix(x)),[x,1,10]);
If 4 arguments are given to MAKELIST, the difference of the 3rd and 4th
arguments should evaluate to a non-negative integer:
#0: GiveLengthDifference(period=floor(x))(eAngle20081130.mac line 103)
-- an error. To debug this try debugmode(true);
Is it an error in my function or something else ?
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