In both console and xmaxima mode with
display2d:false I get
laplace('diff(a(t), t), t, s ); --->
s * ?%laplace(a(t), t, s ) - a(0)
instead of the expected
s * 'laplace(a(t), t, s ) - a(0)
Using ilt(..) doesn't cure this display behavior,
but desolve(..) does cure this behavior (for some
mysterious reason).
This is a minor complaint, since I can simply avoid
the problem with 2D display, or else start my
session with:
(%i1) ( display2d:false, desolve('diff(a(t), t) = - b*a(t), a(t ) ) )$
(%i2) laplace('diff(a(t), t), t, s);
(%o2) s * 'laplace(a(t), t, s ) - a(0)
I recall someone else on the mailing list complaining
about this display behavior, but couldn't find anything
in the bug report message list.
Ted Woollett
windows xp, v. 5.16.1