fnormal in maple (version 7, anyway)

On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 4:35 PM, Edwin Woollett <woollett at charter.net> wrote:

> I would like  to restrict the transformation to floats and complex numbers
> whose elements are floats in rectform format , ...

I am not sure why you care whether complex floats are treated atomically or
as a+b*%i (Maxima's standard current representation). Yes, I suppose
cabs(9e-15+9e-15*%i) is > 1e-14, while its components are < 1e-14, so the
chop result will be different in this case, but if that matters, you
probably shouldn't be chopping in the first place.

> ... left as a float.

Yes, the current code leaves the result as a rational, on the theory that
the user will prefer to see 1/3 than 0.33333333333. A simple modification to
the code will return a float. (left as an exercise for the reader)
