[newbie] Three simple questions

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at gmail.com>wrote:

> 2008/9/8 Alexander El'bert <aee at imm.uran.ru>:
> > How can I use globalsolve for solving single equation?

I agree with Robert -- better to avoid globalsolve.

> > 3. I want the system automatically substitute known numerical values as
> > ''%,numer. Which method is mostly correct?

> solutions[1];
>  => <first list of x = ..., y = ...>
> ev (foo, solutions[1]);
>  => <value of foo w/ x, y, ... temporarily bound>

I would recommend using subst(solutions[1], foo) rather than ev.  ev
re-evaluates foo and can have other surprising effects.
