Step by step Integration

Aleksej Saushev wrote:
> Raymond Toy <raymond.toy at> writes:
>> Marcus Fazzi (Anunakin) wrote:
>>> Can I have step by step Integration on maxima?
>> You mean have maxima show you how it did the integral?
>> Sort of, but not in the way you probably want.  You could trace all the
>> routines that integrate calls to see how things happen, but if you're
>> looking for the typical school book steps, you won't find that.
> Could you elaborate? What do you recommend as a way to get any kind of
> intermediate results?
Well, you'd have to read the code for the integration routine to see
what functions are called.  Then you could do something like :lisp
(trace f1 f2 f3 f4 ...) to trace the calls to the functions f1, f2, f3,

This is mostly likely not what you want.  (But it what someone would
want if they wanted to understand why maxima was computing an integral

What exactly do *you* want to see?   Remember, maxima most likely isn't
doing integration the way it would be taught in calculus classes.  In
particular, I think maxima almost never does integration by parts.
