Maxima wiki and shell server is down; can someone look into it?
Subject: Maxima wiki and shell server is down; can someone look into it?
From: Harald Geyer
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 02:51:59 +0200
Robert Dodier wrote:
> The Maxima wiki isn't working.
> Also it appears that ssh robert_dodier at fails.
> This is probably a consequence of the Sourceforge datacenter
> migration which happened a few weeks or months ago.
> Can someone investigate?
For now I only had a short look. I can confirm what you observe.
After rereading the relevant sourceforge site doc (which is quite
inconsistent on ssh related stuff) it seems to me, that sourceforge
is generally reduceing ssh services...
I can't login at either but what does work
is logging in at - but only via sftp. If I
try to log in to the shell I get an error message that this is a
restricted service and that I can't execute any commands.
Using sftp I eventually found the maxima homedir, but there aren't
any files there ...
Not sure what to do now: Perhaps this is the middle of a transition
and things will start working again over the next days. Perhaps
sf changes everything and somebody has to reread the site documentation
(as soon as it is up to date)
Regarding the wiki: Was this an official sf wiki in the past or something
hacked together on our own?
Perhaps we should get rid of sf, see below...
Dieter Kaiser wrote:
> I have got the following message for the last 8 commits I have done:
> **********
> This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
> A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipi=
> ents.
> This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
> maxima-commits at
> retry time not reached for any host after a long failure period
> **********
> I have also observed that the mailing-lists on are
> not acutal
> and I do not get the expected mails after updating a bug report.
Well, if you can provide me with a full copy (all headers, mime parts, etc)
of such a message, it would be easier to see what's wrong... Right now
I don't see any obvious issues with the list server.
I want to make a few comments on sourceforge:
I know we did discuss several times in the past if we should move
the project away from sourceforge. These ideas never lead to anything,
mostly because nobody proposed a sound alternative, I guess. Unfortunatly
I can't offer reliable hosting either - but I don't think it will become
easier in the future, so perhaps we should think about it again anyway.
IMO we don't need to move everything to one new hosting, actually we
already have distributed our services between sf, utexas and the
sites of various developers. I think this worked out quite well.
The following is a list of services, that are currently hosted
at sf, but which IMHO could benefit from moving away:
* source repository
- I think any distributed rcs (as opposed to cvs and svn) would do for
our purposes
- We need to preserve the history information (git can do it, others
perhaps too)
- If we used some distributed rcs, then we could accept some drawbacks on
* various mailing lists
Should be fairly easy to find new places for, once the list admins
are fed up with sf. Probably we don't need to worry about that as
a project.
* bug tracker
- If we use some kind of bugzilla again, the move should be possible
with reasonable effort. If we use something else (like debbugs)
the move might become tricky.
- Good bug tracking systems are complicated and difficult to set up,
thus there isn't that many hosting providers to choose from.
* wiki
- Unless the wiki comes back on its own in the next days, we need
to recover it somehow anyway.
- There should be plenty of opportunities to get a wiki hosted
- There is no law forcing us to have one central wiki.
* home page
- Would be some write restricted wiki enough?
- It probably would be nice if most developers had write access.
Things where IMO it doesn't hurt if it stays at sf:
* release download
- sourceforge has a nice mirror network - hard to duplicate this
- only few people (release managers, etc) need to mess with this
* DNS name
Currently we use because there is no maxima
domain. This is unlikely to change (the maxima project is no
organisation) and I don't think the current situation causes any
I claim (others might disagree) that we could move any of the above
mentioned services somewhere else without touching the other (except
for updating a few links).
What are others opinions on this? Does anybody have suggestions
where to host some services? Is there any chance we might move
some of the project to alioth?