Maxima wiki and shell server is down; can someone look into it?
Subject: Maxima wiki and shell server is down; can someone look into it?
From: Jaime Villate
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 10:32:15 +0100
On Qua, 2008-09-24 at 02:51 +0200, Harald Geyer wrote:
> I claim (others might disagree) that we could move any of the above
> mentioned services somewhere else without touching the other (except
> for updating a few links).
I agree.
> What are others opinions on this? Does anybody have suggestions
> where to host some services?
Yes, I suggest http:://
Look for example at the Abiword project in that server:
by default, the Webpage would become,
but it could be in a different server, as they do in Abiword.
I used to be an administrator of Savannah for several years but I no
longer have time to help them; I still receive copies of some of the
requests in their list, so I know that they keep providing a good
service to their users.
Another similar site, but located on this side of the Atlantic (France)
> Is there any chance we might move some of the project to alioth?
That would be another possibility. I do not know their access policies
regarding debian-developers vs non-debian-developers (I used to be a
Debian developer to, but then again I stopped having time available for
that too :-) ).
Jaime Villate