Bigfloat routine for Incomplete Beta

Hello Richard,

thank you for your suggestions.

I do the work on Maxima just for fun. I have studied physics, but I am no longer
working as a physcist since a long time. In the earlier times of computers I had
done a lot of programming work in languages like Fortran, Pascal, C, C++.

Lisp is very new for me and I like it. But I do not know all the more
shophisticated approaches to use the language as optimal as possible. Most of
the language I have learned looking at the code of Maxima.

So the more directly bigfloat implementation is for me just a step more to get
experience in programming Lisp and Maxima.

Today, I have implemented a routine fpz-beta-incomplete. This routine does the
complex bigfloat evaluation more directly too. I have used the bigfloat code
presented by David Billinghurst in a post from January 15, 2006 "Code for
extended precision complex floating point arithmetic". I have only added one
routine. The code works wonderful. The gain in effiency is about 50% in
comparsion with an algorithm using only add, mul, ...

My question:

Should I add the complex bigfloat to the file float.lisp.

Next, I could commit an implementation of the Incomplete Beta function using the
more directly bigfloat implementations.

That is the code for complex bigfloat evaluation of Incomplete Beta:


(defun fpz-beta-incomplete (a b z)
  (let* ((beta-maxit *beta-incomplete-maxit*)
         (fpzero  (cdr ($bfloat bigfloatzero)))
         (fpone   (cdr ($bfloat bigfloatone)))
         (fptwo   (fpplus fpone fpone))
         (fpzzero (fpz fpzero fpzero))
         (fpzone  (fpz fpone fpzero))
         (fpzmone (fpz (fpminus fpone) fpzero))
         (fpztwo  (fpz fptwo fpzero)))
         (fpz-re z)
             (fpz+ a fpzone)
             (fpz+ a (fpz+ b fpztwo)))))
       (when *debug* 
         (format t "~& in condition fpgreaterp~%"))
             (bigfloattofpz (simplify (list '(%gamma) (fpztobigfloat a))))
             (bigfloattofpz (simplify (list '(%gamma) (fpztobigfloat b)))))
             (simplify (list '(%gamma) (fpztobigfloat (fpz+ a b))))))
         (fpz-beta-incomplete b a (fpz- fpzone z))))
       (let* ((beta-eps (cdr ($bfloat (power ($bfloat 10.0) (- $fpprec)))))
              (beta-min (fptimes* beta-eps beta-eps))
              (fpz-beta-min (fpz beta-min fpzero))
              (ab (fpz+ a b))
              (ap (fpz+ a fpzone))
              (am (fpz- a fpzone))
              (c  fpzone)
              (d  (fpz- fpzone (fpz/ (fpz* z ab) ap)))
              (d  (if (fplessp (fpzabs d) beta-min) fpz-beta-min d))
              (d  (fpz/ fpzone d))
              (h  d)
              (aa fpzone)
              (m2 fpzzero))
       (do ((m 1 (+ m 1)))
           ((> m beta-maxit)
            (merror "Continued fractions failed in `beta_incomplete'"))
         (setq m2 (bigfloattofpz (+ m m)))
         (setq aa (fpz/
                      (bigfloattofpz m)
                      (fpz* z (fpz- b (bigfloattofpz m))))
                    (fpz* (fpz+ am m2) (fpz+ a m2))))
         (setq d  (fpz+ fpzone (fpz* aa d)))
         (when (fplessp (fpzabs d) beta-min) (setq d fpz-beta-min))
         (setq c (fpz+ fpzone (fpz/ aa c)))
         (when (fplessp (fpzabs c) beta-min) (setq c fpz-beta-min))
         (setq d (fpz/ fpzone d))
         (setq h (fpz* h (fpz* d c)))
         (setq aa (fpz/
                         (fpz+ a (bigfloattofpz m))
                         (fpz* (fpz+ ab (bigfloattofpz m)) z)))
                      (fpz+ a m2) (fpz+ ap m2))))
         (setq d (fpz+ fpzone (fpz* aa d)))
         (when (fplessp (fpzabs d) beta-min) (setq d fpz-beta-min))
         (setq c (fpz+ fpzone (fpz/ aa c)))
         (when (fplessp (fpzabs c) beta-min) (setq c fpz-beta-min))
         (setq d (fpz/ fpzone d))
         (setq de (fpz* d c))
         (setq h (fpz* h de))
         (when (fplessp (fpzabs (fpz- de fpzone)) beta-eps)
                     (power (fpztobigfloat z) (fpztobigfloat a)))
                       (fpztobigfloat (fpz- fpzone z)) (fpztobigfloat b)))))


Dieter Kaiser